I'm Lee Garrett and I'm on a quest. A quest to live the most productive life I can, to provide for my family, to have fun, be happy and be just the best guy I can be.
Oh, and to do as much of that with Apple kit as I can because, let's be honest, it's designed to make our lives easier.
With a wife and three amazing daughters, life is busy. I'm a Project Manager, Network Architect, Writer, Productivity Trainer and self-confessed geek. If I don't keep on top of life, life is going to get on top of me and that just isn't happening.
Thanks for visiting my site, for reading and if you have any requests for content, app reviews, workflows, hints, tips on your favourite productivity tools on macOS, iOS, tvOS and Apple Watch, then fill in the form below, or follow me on Twitter @myproductivemac . I'm always happy to hear from you.
I'm also now actively looking for guest posts to help support the site. If you are interested, please fill in the form below.